Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Keepin' up with time in 2012

Happy New Year! Whew, I can't believe another year has just begun! Anyone make resolutions this year? I'm not usually one to make resolutions since I know I'll inevitably break 'em anyway.  I am, however, setting goals (a less intimidating word than resolution) for myself, which are: write more, create more and explore more.

I recently read an article in Script Magazine about Jerry Seinfeld's productivity technique. He apparently sticks to his goals by marking a big, red X on a calendar every day he accomplishes his task. Jerry found drawing the X to be so rewarding that he deemed it a technique called "Don't Break the Chain." Once you start to create the ongoing chain of X's, you won't want to break the pattern and eventually your daily tasks become habit, thus setting you on the fast track to reaching your goals.

I like Jerry's idea so much that I think I'll give it a whirl. (Hopefully I'll find drawing the X as rewarding as he does). Here are some fun items to help keep us all on track to reaching our goals in 2012:

2012 Mayan Calendar Cards

Eclectic Desk Calendar

Valentina Bird Wall Calendar

Poster Calendar

Letterpress Calendar

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