
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Finding my way

Hello loyal readers (all 2 of you),

I know I've done a lot of apologizing lately for my lack of posts and crafting. I've been tied up at work and to be completely honest, I felt like I was losing my passion for blogging and being creative... which is completely absurd.  After all, expressing myself through design and creating fun things is what makes me happy.  I had even contemplated taking a leave of absence from Crafty in the Concrete Jungle until yesterday when a friend commented on how kick-ass she thought my light switch plates were.  When she said that, a light bulb went off in my head (no pun intended) and I thought, "I haven't crafted in months... no wonder I've lost my luster!"

So here I am, spewing another apology, but also thanking you for sticking with me as I continue my crafty journey through life.  Just as writers struggle with writer's block, crafters like myself struggle with creative blocks too. But, I'm here to tell you that instead of quitting my Martha Stewart-like dreams for the boring world of a 9-6 desk job, I'll be making greater efforts to balance the two and keep my craftiness alive n' kicking! And since its finally summer, I'll be able to resume some furniture rehab (new pieces coming soon!).


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