
Thursday, September 16, 2010

What am I doing?

I'm crafting.  I promise.  I know you haven't seen any new personal projects from me in a couple weeks but just hold tight for a few more days.  This week I've been working on a homemade wedding gift for my friend (I'll be attending her wedding this weekend).  I thought a personal touch would be a nice compliment to the other gift I bought the soon-to-be-married couple.  I'd show it to you now but who knows if the bride will see this post before she opens the gift!  (Hint: the craft involves mod podge, paint brushes, salvaged hardware and more). 

I'm also getting my act together to hopefully open my own Etsy shop soon!  Very exciting.  I'll let you know when its up and running.   For now, I'm going to get back to crafting so I have fun things to share soon. 

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