
Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's raining, it's pouring

My plane landed me safely in Wisconsin last night.  It was a relatively short flight but the entire time was filled with "ooohs-and-ahhhs" from surrounding flyers because Snooki (from Jersey Shore) was sitting in first class.  Pretty hilarious. 

Anyway, I'm sitting in my hotel room drinking a bottle of delicious local brew (New Glarus Brewing Co. Spotted Cow) and blogging because its pouring rain outside...  Lots of thunder and lightening as well.  Its definitely not the kind of day a bride dreams about when planning her outdoor wedding extravaganza.  But, knowing my friend, I'm sure she has some tricks up her sleeve to make this rainy day the best wedding day it can be.  I'm really looking forward to posting some photos of the wedding decor, food, etc when I return to the concrete jungle in 48 hrs. 

Graffiti by Banksy

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