
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Before and After: Dining Room Table

If you've been following this blog from the start, you're probably wondering what happened to that dining room table I was refinishing.  No worries, it's right here in my apartment and looking as lovely as ever.  It's just been too cluttered with stuff but after yesterday's cleaning frenzy, the table was in tip-top shape for a photo session.

Before we get to the big reveal, here's a little back story on the table.  When I got my hands on it, it was a simple cherry table with chairs upholstered in ugly unattractive 80's-style fabric.  It wasn't too appealing but we didn't have money to invest in a new dining room set.  Our options were to either take it as it was or roll up our sleeves and dive right into the world of furniture renovation.  I was excited (Paul was not).  Despite our differing attitudes throughout the process, we both loved the end result.  It's a proud moment to step back and admire your first, big, completed project.  Three months later, I'm still admiring it and I hope you do too...

Are you excited to see the "after"??


I wanted the table to have a country chic feel to it.  We painted everything white except the table top which we stained a deeper cherry.  Then, I sanded down the grooves and edges of the table and chairs to give them a worn-in, antique feel.  I think the new green and white fabric on the chairs complements the table perfectly.  What do you think?


  1. Really nice! Love those chairs.

  2. You did a great job - the white really accents the beautiful curves of the table. Isn't it awesome what some elbow grease & a little paint can do? The fabric is just the right touch - love it!!! Jen

  3. You did a great! The chairs do complement it!

  4. I found your table at the MMS link party and oh my goodness-it's beautiful! I love the curves of the table top, what a find. It turned out great!

  5. Wow, what a difference! I love the way it turned out. Great job.

  6. Ooo la la! That looks fabulous! I REALLY need to get my DIY butt in gear and do this to my freebie blonde wood table and Craig's list chairs. I just don't know how we can go without the table for the few days it will take.

    Did you sand down the top of your table first?


  7. Wow! Gorgeous! You did a fantastic job!

  8. Brittany - I sanded down the table first. It had some serious watermark damage. Shortly into sanding it by hand, I realized an electric sander is definitely worth the price so I headed over to my local hardware store and bought one. It saved me a lot of time (and frustration)!

  9. Oh my heavens! I LOVE it! I have never even considered doing this to our oak table...but now I think it would be beautiful!!! Thank you so much for the inspiration. (I'm not sure I'll thank you mid-project...but I am SURE I will after!! :-)

  10. Good luck MarytheKay. Send me pics of your revamp if you decide to do it. I'd love to see it :)

  11. Simply stunning! Well done!


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