
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

DIY beauty recipes

I have a confession… I am a beauty product hoarder. If something catches my eye during my stroll through my local pharmacy, I feel compelled to buy it and try it. Unfortunately, the new product usually fails to live up to its claims and ends up sitting in my medicine cabinet along with a plethora of other undesirable lotions and potions.

In an effort to “go green,” I’ve decided to start making the majority of my beauty products instead of buying them. Creating them from scratch will allow me to control the quality and quantity of ingredients to better suit my needs (not to mention save me a good deal of money).

For my DIY beauty recipes, check out the rest of my article, which is featured on Healthy Jersey today!

Ps. I plan on taking a trip to the Container Store soon to stock up on cute containers for storing all these homemade scrubs and such.  I might even get crafty enough to create my own labels! 

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