
Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This past weekend I attended an "OctoBEERfest" in my hometown.  It was the brainchild of my brother and his two best friends.  Let me tell you, they know how to throw a good German party.  The majority of those in attendance were adorned in dirndls or lederhosen.  Kegs of Spaten and Franzikaner flowed endlessly in accompaniment to a vast spread of pretzels, pickles and Spätzle.  Good times were had.

But what does this have to do with crafting, you may ask?  I crafted my own German wear.  I didn't have access to a real dirndl or other authentic German clothing so I headed to AC Moore, bought some supplies and started creating.  All it took was a plain white t-shirt, a few markers, ribbon and a hot glue gun and I was ready to roll.  I faked a dirndl and am proud of it (and it cost a lot less than the real thing).  If you're attending any Oktoberfests of your own, feel free to use my shirt as a template.

Me and my fake dirndl between two friends in authentic lederhosen.

And look at how absolutely adorable these little German children are.  Too cute for words, right?


  1. I have to say Lauren, your webpage is impressive! You put a lot of thought and time into this. Looks GREAT!

  2. This is great! I am having Halloween Costume linky party over on my blog and I would love it if you would link this. I know it isn't actually a Halloween costume, but I think it would inspire some great ideas.

  3. Thanks, Laura. I'd love to join in the link party!

  4. Love the dirndl t-shirt! And who are those two handsome guys in the authentic lederhosen? The picture of the kids is awesome to!


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