
Friday, June 18, 2010

Father's Day is quickly approaching...

Is it just me or do other people have an incredibly difficult time finding gifts for their fathers?  I wish I could magically conjure up the perfect present for any and all gift-giving holidays.  Instead, I'm always left in a stupor for what to give my dad.  Birthdays, Christmases and Father's Days always go a little something like this...

Me: "Hey Dad, I'm trying to get an early start on buying presents.  Is there something in particular you'd like?"
Dad: "I have everything I need."
Me: "...Not even a CD or a NY Rangers shirt?"
Dad:  "Love from my family.  That's what I'd like."
Me:  ::rolling eyes:: "...Sure, Dad.  Thanks for your help."

Despite his requests, I know full well how sad my Dad would actually be if he didn't receive any tangible gifts.  Thus, I always end up in a pickle.  Assuming this year would prove to be the same, I was pleasantly surprised to find the ultimate present for my Dad.  And I'm talking ULTIMATE. 

There are a couple things my dad loves most in this world (besides his family, of course) and those two things would be hockey and tequila.  The man owns approximately 48 bottles of different tequilas.  How can I compete with that?  Well, I managed to one-up his entire collection.  Behold the best Father's Day gift I've ever given him:

Talk about a collector's item!  This bottle is a limited edition from Hijos de Villa. 

I know my gift isn't crafty but I'm excited about it anyway.  For those of you who'd like to craft something for your father, try impressing him with one of these...

Classic and delicious.  Good luck on your gift searches... Sunday is right around the corner!

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